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Schärf Kluger, born in 1907 in Bern, but living in Zurich from the age
of four, received her doctoral degree in Semitic Languages and Religious
History from the University of Zurich. Analyzed by Jung, she became his
student and collaborator, and taught at the C.G. Jung Institute in
Zurich on psychology and religion.
As a Jungian analyst and scholar, she
lectured widely in Europe and America. After her marriage to Yehezkel
Kluger in 1955, she practiced and also taught at various Jungian
training centers, first in Los Angeles, until 1969, and then in Haifa,
Israel, where she lived until her death in 1987.
Her two previous books
were »Satan in the Old Testament« and »Psyche and Bible«.
![]() The Bible and the Psyche: Individuation Symbolism in the Old Testament
Rivkah Scharf Kluger (Tel Aviv), 128 pp, index. Sewn. ISBN 0-919123-71-6. The awesome events recounted in the Old Testament contain important clues about our destiny, not only past but future. As our understanding broadens, our sense of membership in a global community may supersede the religious lessons of our early years. But we cannot shrug off our inner history without damage to the soul. Psyche in Scripture is a great help in understanding the symbolic content of our psychic heritage. Five essays, including "King Saul and the Spirit of God," "The Queen of Sheba in Bible and Legend" and "Old Testament Roots of Woman's Spiritual Problem." "Dr. Kluger's psychological insights and scholarship cannot be praised too highly. The comprehensive index and rich bibliography make Psyche in Scripture an invaluable reference work." - Journal of Religion and Health. Rivkah Scharf Kluger (1907-1987) was a Biblical scholar, long-time associate of C.G. Jung and one of the first Jungian analysts.
Inner City Books, 01/12/1995 - 128 páginas
Old Testament is the written record of profound religious experiences,
and in this sense "inspired". The awesome events recounted in the Bible
inform the spiritual stance of Western culture to this day, and they
contain important clues about destiny, not only past but future. As our
understanding broadens, our sense of membership in a global community
may supersede the specific religious lessons of our early years. But we
cannot simply shrug off our inner history without damage to the soul.
Rather we must try to grasp the symbolic content of our psychic
heritage, as Dr. Kluger does in this volume. The first three essays
here, originally published in 1974 under the title Psyche and Bible,
have become classics in the field. Two of the author's later essays on
individuation symbolism, and a comprehensive index, have been added to
make Psyche in Scripture.
Rivkah KlugerThe Gilgamesh EpicA Psychological Study of a Modern Ancient HeroIt was at the instigation of C.G. Jung that Dr. Kluger undertook the interpretation of the Gilgamesh Epic, the oldest known epic-myth. A classic in world literature, it originated in the Sumero-Babylonian culture, a vital root of modern Western civilization. Rich in poetic imagery and archetypal content, it has not lost its meaning for modern man. In this book, based primarily on her seminars at the Zurich Jung Institute, Dr. Kluger deals with the psychological significance of the hero-king’s fateful adventures, from his building of the city walls to his travel to the “Babylonian Noah” in search of immortality, for which her expertise in the fields of comparative religion and Jungian psychology uniquely fit her. In her vivid yet scholarly presentation, she brings alive the implications of the fascinating episodes of this myth both on a personal and on a collective level; the changes of individual consciousness, and its reactions to unconscious (archetypal) contents, the evolving process of individuation, and the development of religion. Using modern dreams and examples from analytic practice, she shows the relevance of this ancient myth for today’s world and its concerns, from sexuality and homosexuality, the role of the feminine and the still living goddess Ishtar, to the current spiritual search of contemporary mankind. » Contents
240 pages, illustrated, ISBN 978-3-85630-746-2,
Daimon Publishers
Online bookstore devoted to books on Jungian Psychology
Remembering Jung :
Rivkah & Yehezkel Kluger
Este espacio virtual, es un tributo a la memoria del Dr. José Zavala, que nació en México, después de casi quinientos años de que su cultura y religión fueran quebrantadas por los conquistadores españoles. Él nos trajo tan generosamente a España desde Suiza, durante veinticuatro años, el espíritu vivificante de la Psicología de C.G.Jung y Marie-Louise von Franz, que no solo crearon la base para un nuevo Humanismo, sino que será sin duda la Psicología para las mujeres y los hombres del S.XXI